How To

How-To guides and articles I have written on various subjects.

Arch Linux Installation Guide (2019)

This is an alternate Arch Linux installation guide created while setting up my workstation. Some of the instructions here might not suitable for different hardware configurations than what I have.

Create self-signed SSL certificate

Authentication part of the SSL communication works on a private-public key based trust system. In other words you have a key that is signed by another key from a 3rd party which rest of the world (or the people who needs to verify you) trust. This signed key is called a certificate.

Install Syslinux and replace GRUB on a running system

This article explains how to replace the existing boot loader (assumed GRUB legacy) on a running system, and install Syslinux on it. Instructions here are tested on a Arch Linux, but should work on any Linux distribution except for the package installation bit.