E-Networks CRM
Summary -|- Development Releases | 2006, 2010 Status | Off-line Technologies | FPDF, JavaScript, LAMP
Role of Sudaraka
Database Designer
System Designer
E-Network Customer Relations Management System is a web based service to maintain customer, reseller agent services and product transaction and also to keep records of day-to-day transaction and provisioning.
First Phase - 2006
Originally designed to be a simple consumer web site for the GlobalNet VoIP Billing Platform, and eventually developed in to a CRM. Due to some unfortunate natural disaster faced by the company, the project was postponed.
Second Phase - 2010
Project was revived and re-coded using the Sudaraka's experimental web framework, and since GlobalNet work services were not available at the time plan was to use another RADIUS service for the telecommunication module.
Eventually the company lost interest in the project and it remains dormant.
- Commission based reseller agent system.
- Service & product maintenance.
- Work order schedule system.
- Consumer maintenance.
- Automated monthly billing.
- VoIP module integrated to GlobalNet VoIP Billing Platform.
- Multi-currency support.